Friday, July 31, 2009

Big Monday---Everything but the Kitchen Sink

Monday August 17 ---Sun Sextile Mars, Mercury Conjunct Saturn, Sun Oppose Neptune, Mars Trine Neptune. That's a lot of action and I'm not even discussing the lunar stuff. Mark this day in your calendar as FULL.

The sun will be activating a lot energy from us as it pokes and prods Mars (good naturedly). Mercury will bring out a quieter energy from us, perhaps we will not feel that talkative or at the very least we will be measured when we speak. Sun will drive Neptune a bit cuckoo or maybe it is the other way around and those people who are nuts will drive the show. But at the same time it could just be a great artistic day. Mars also will be asking our artists and our nutjobs to show up and do something special.. curiously--They will. Even the biggest flakes in the world may show up and do the right thing today.

Great day to show up at church and light a candle. It will get the job done.

Sun Opposition Jupiter-August 14

Sun Opposition Jupiter August 14 1:53pm (EDT)

This happens once a year. The sun which is powerful in its own right is opposite the biggest guy around--Jupiter. I will be interested to see how this plays out given that last sock in the eye to Jupiter just a few weeks ago. Neither the Sun nor Jupiter like to be outshine (can that happen to the sun?) they are the big shots and when they are on the teeter totter opposing each other--be prepared for some fireworks. Someone's ego could be out of sorts and they could demand everyone's attention. How they get that attention is anyone's guess. Of course the minute someone demands that I look at them is usually the minute I get up and fake like someone is calling me from the other room.

"Oh, Sally, let me help you."

Well, let's get a seat down front and see who wins... The Sun or Jupiter. Me? I predict solar flares will be a pain in the ass.

Mars Trine Jupiter--Thurs Aug 13

Thursday August 13, 12:29pm EDT ---Mars makes a great trine with Jupiter.

Normally I would say, "Yippee, let me put 100 down on 27 black"

But with this particular day there is a lot of action in general happening. I don't spend much time on all the lunar aspects of each day considering there are hundreds of great astrologers that give you that information. But I will say that this nice perk from Mars comes on a day when the Moon is all over the place. A sexile with Venus, a trine with Mercury, trine with saturn, square with Sun, square with Jupiter, square with Neptune and sextile with Uranus.... Wow. That is a lot in one day. And to have Mars get into it with Jupiter is like someone walking in with a bottle of Wild Turkey..... "Hey, how can we add some liquor to this party!?"

Mars is probably on the right idea and will push you in some direction but take it slowly. Don't put on the party hat right away. Take your time and you should be able to get yourself exactly where you need to be by the end of the day. Keep your eyes on the prize and you'll be okay.

Mars Square Saturn--August 10

Mars Square Saturn Monday August 10 8:16 pm (EDT)

Mars in Gemini is talking a lot of trash. Have you noticed the fear mongering lately? Trash, trash, trash but today the trash talking is going to hit a wall.

Closed Door Meetings will be popping up everywhere as Saturn in Virgo says, "Shut, the 'eff up." Well, actually, Virgo is a bit too delicate for that language, rather Saturn in Virgo will just shut the door quietly and put up a sign, "gone fishin' ''

If you are feeling argumentative and want to get into it with someone, well, do so at your own peril. This is not the time to push anyone. You could regret it later. Instead, take your self out for a huge workout. Go to the gym, go for a good run. Do something physical. But at the same time---do NOT race your car. Give yourself plenty of time to go anywhere because remember everyone has got a SHORT fuse and would love to go off on you.

Full Moon --Lunar Eclipse - August 5

Full Moon Wednesday August 5, 8:55pm (EDT)

And here it is, ladies and gentlemen (are there any of you here?) it is our final eclipse for the summer. I don't know about you but this sandwich of eclipses July Lunar, July Solar, now August Lunar has been a lot of emotional energy for us mere mortals on Earth.
And now here we are processing out our emotions finally in a some what light and airy, mental way. Given we have had two new moons in Cancer which can be so watery we are getting the benefit of this Lunar Eclipse in Mental Aquarius. Aquarius is always focused on the masses and humanity and the group as a whole. "Am I with like minded people? If I am not, what can I do to add my piece to make this group that I am attached a little bit better?" We will also mull---"As much as I want to be the center of attention and shine (Sun in Leo) perhaps the best choice is to think about the group? But at the same time, maybe under that circumstance I will really shine in a way that is useful."

The Moon's conjunction with Jupiter brings an extra bounce of enthusiasm. Perhaps there will be some braggarts out there who annoy. But maybe bragging isn't so bad, after all. Also, we have Moon making a nice, fat trine with Mars and the Sun Sextiles that should get us off our butts and get going on something. If you need some energy to push you to do something use the energy of this full moon to do it. As Alan Shepard said waiting to shoot off into space for the first time... "Light this candle!"

Mercury Trine Pluto--August 3rd

Mercury and Pluto will form a trine at 10:11am Monday August 3.

Expect some clarity. Precision thoughts will help you. If you have been feeling fuzzy or vague about something important, don't be surprised if you get the answer today. Every thing will come into focus. Mercury trines Pluto about two times a year (unless a retrograde gives it another two) so run with this energy. Do you need to get a loan? Do you need to get some paperwork signed? Do you need to hire someone to fix your pipes? Do it today.

And of course, if you need to have an important conversation with someone, no scratch that ... if you have to have a VERY important conversation with someone----consider doing it today. Do you know that old expression, is it better to die from a thousand lashes or 1 cut? Today one cut could be the better choice and it probably won't feel that bad anyway.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Power Park


En nukkunut viimeviikon torstaina pommiin, vaikka herätys olikin klo 4:30 enkä ollut yöllä nukkunut melkein yhtään.

Klo 5:45 lähdettiin kummien ja Katja- ja Riikka-serkkujen kanssa ajelemaan kohti Alahärmän Power Parkia. Yritin epätoivoisesti nukkua matkalla kun nukutti vielä niin hirveästi, mutta eihän siitä tullut mitään.

Power Parkissa oltiin aika ajoissa, ja päästiinkin porteista heti ensimmäisinä sinään kun ne aukesivät yhdeltätoista.

Siinä odotellessa olin kyllä aika varma etten kävisi ainakaan parissa laitteessa, koska ne näyttivät niin pahoilta. :D Niinhän siinä kuitenkin kävi että kaikkiin laitteisiin uskaltauduin, kuten myös viime vuonna Särkänniemessä ja kaksi vuotta sitten Tykkimäellä.

Oli onneksi tosi ihanat kelit, ja ravattiin serkkujen kanssa laitteissa siitä yhdestätoista ihan sulkemiseen asti eli seitsemään. :'D Sisäinen lapseni tulee esiin varsinkin juuri huvipuistossa, sen olen huomannut..
Oli kyllä tosi kivoja laitteita, vaikken millään meinannut uskaltaa mennä Boosteriin. Pitkän jonottamisen jälkeen kuitenkin siihen uskaltauduin serkkuni rohkaisemana.

Kuvia napsi kummini, joten kiitos heille niistä, koska muuten kuvia ei olisi ollenkaan.

Alla olevasta kuvasta voit bongata minut vasemmasta reunasta. :D En muista tuon laitteen nimeä, mutta se kieputti vaikka mihinkä suuntaan.

Kuvassa keskellä olemme serkkujeni kanssa, minä keskellä.
Mega Drop oli kyllä aika hurja, täytyy sanoa. :DD Siinä mentiin ensin tuonne ylös, ja siellä odotettiin minuutti ja sitten se pudotti äkkiä voimalla alas. Tuntui että vatsa olisi jäänyt tuonne yläilmoihin.

Alla keinukarusellin tapainen laite, mutta se pyörittää paljon ylempänä. Hyvä maisemien katseluun.
Alla oleva Typhoon on vähän Särkänniemen Half Pipen tapainen laite, jossa käytiin kolme kertaa. Uskalsin jopa pitää silmiä koko ajan auki vikalla kerralla. XD
Minä ja serkkuni odottamassa Boosterin nousemista yläilmoihin. Kannatti kyllä odottaa tuohon pääsemistä!
Auringon takia näistä kuvista ei nyt näe muuta kuin Boosterin mustana, mutta siellä kyllä oltiin. :) Tuokin laite oli loppuvaiheessa hyvä maisemien katseluun.

Maisemista puheen ollen, mielestäni Power Parkissa oli tosi nättiä, kun siellä oli istutettu tosi paljon erilaisia kukkia ympäri aluetta. Alue oli kyllä aika pieni verrattuna vaikka Särkänniemeen, mutta ei se ainakaan minua haitannut. Oli myös hyvä ettei tarvinnut odottaa älyttömiä aikoja päästäkseen laitteisiin. Kaikista paras laite oli kyllä varmaan normaali vuoristorata eli Thunderbird, jossa siinäkin käytiin kolmesti. En ole ennen edes käynyt ihan normaalissa vuoristoradassa. :D

Kokonaisuudessaan oli tosi kiva paikka, vaikka ihmeteltiinkin sitä kun se oli keskellä ei mitään, pelkkiä peltoja ja maaseutua ympärillä. Taisi kuitenkin olla jopa kesän paras päivä!

Power Parkin jälkeen yövyimme jossain kylpylähotellissa Ylähärmässä, ja sekin oli kiva yllätys kun en tiennyt että pääsisimme vielä uimaan. :D Katsottiin siellä myös pari uutuusleffaa, kuten Morsianten Sota. Boltin katsoin yksin, koska serkut nukahtivat kesken kaiken. =D
Aamulla oli sitten tietysti vielä luvassa hotelliaamiainen. ♥

Tuntuu välillä että minut on helppo saada onnelliseksi ainakin hetkellisesti, tai että tulen tosi iloiseksi asioista, jotka ovat tosi normaaleja muille. No, en sitten tiedä.

Perjantaina hotellista lähtiessämme kävimme Tuurin kyläkaupassa, koska se ei ollut mitenkään kovin kaukana. Joko emme vain tajunneet serkkujeni kanssa sen hienoutta, tai sitten se oli muuten vain aika mitäänsanomaton. ö__Ö Emme kyllä kiertäneet koko kauppaa läpi, joten se saattoi olla syynä. Käytiiin sitten joissain parissa lähellä olevassa kaupassa.
Tuurista jatkettiin Jyväskylään, jossa shoppailtiin pari tuntia. Harmi ettei ollut enempää aikaa, koska olisi voinut etsiä esim. jotain kirppareita.

Tässä muuten perjantainen asu, jonka kuvasin kylläkin vasta illalla kotona.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
♥ Hello Kitty -paita: Vilun tuliainen Thaimaasta
♥ hame: H&M
♥ hattu: entiseltä pomolta
♥ laukku: nimipäivälahja äidiltä
♥korvikset, turkoosit & mustat helmet: kirppari
♥ pinkit helmet: Seppälä
♥ tennarit: Ellos
♥ sydänsormus: kirppari
♥ pinkki sormus: Itis
♥ kaksi turkoosia sormusta: pääsiäismunista saatuja joskus pienenä
Tämän pääkallosormuksen muuten sain 1€:lla hotellin sellaisesta koneesta johon laitetaan raha ja sieltä tulee randomisti joku juttu. :D Kävi kerrankin hyvä tuuri.
Tässä muuten loput ostokset.

Ehkä yksi kivoimmista löydöistä pitkään aikaan, nimittäin vihreä örkkipaita Carlingsista Jyväskylästä! :D En tajua miten rakastuin tuohon niin, eihän minulla ole edes mitään muuta vihreääkään. Mutta katsokaa nyt noita söpispurkkaörkkejä. ♥__♥ Tän nimi on muuten Edgar. ♥

Gina Tricotistakin löytyi pari löytöä. :)

Lölleröpaita 4,9€.

Alla olevassa kuvassa kaikki "pikkuostokset". Pinkki vyö 4,9€ Gina Tricot, "kultainen" ketju taas sellaisesta koneesta, 2 mustaa rusettipinniä H&M, 3 meikkisivellintä H&M, ja loput Tuurissa olleesta kaupasta, joka oli joko Fiorella (XD) tai ainakin sen tapainen. Siellä oli ihan sairaasti kaikkia koruja 0,5€/kpl, joten ostin tuon dollarisilmäisen smiley-rintakorun, aurinkolasit, peace-korvikset ja musta-pinkin kaulakorun. Aika halvalla selvisin!

Lisäksi samaisesta kaupasta ostin Marilyn-laukun alennettuun hintaan 4€.
Tänään kuvattuna jo vähän kärsinyt ranneke.
Lähipäivät olenkin vain ollut kotona, ja sain jopa eilen luettua Breaking Dawnin loppuun. Olihan se ihan hyvä, mutta en nyt kuitenkaan rakastakaan sitä.

Lisäksi olen syönyt mökiltä tuotuja mansikoita ja mustikoita, mums!
Käytiin sentään äitini kanssa sunnuntaina pyörillä samaisten sukulaisten luona joiden mukna olin reissussa. Sukuloimassa olin tässä asussa, kiitos serkuille kuvailuiosta. ♥ Mekko on muuten yksi Gina Tricotin ostoksista, jota olin kuolaillutkin netissä. Mikä onni että pääsin käymään GT:ssä ennen kuin nuo loppuivat, kun olen käynyt siiellä vain pari kertaa aikaisemmin Helsingissä ollessani. :D Niin ja heh en osannut taaskaan päättää vain paria kuvaa jotka laittaisin kun kerrankin oli kuvaajia kaksin kappalein. Valinvaikeus sanon minä.
Tajusin muuten että oli aika hippilook kukkamekkoineen ja peace-korvakoruineen.

Niin ja pitäähän minun tietysti samalla laittaa ne _ei_niin_edustavat_kuvat_.

Serkku käski hyppäämään tuosta kiveltä...
Niin ja tiestysti samalla myös kiivetä puuhun. XD
Vyö on Jim&Jillistä, kengät H&M:ltä ja panta Allulta, muut asun osat esittelinkin ostoksina.

Isoveljeni muuten täytti perjantaina 18, joten olentämän perheen ainoa alaikäinen. Saisipa se jo autokortin ja auton, että voisi kyytsätä aina välillä edes talvella. ;D Ei kyllä näytä hyvälty tuo auton hommaaminen ainakaan tällä hetkellä..

Nyt on ollut kyllä viime päivinä ihan luvattoman tylsää jos lukemista ei lasketa, ja lomaakaan ei ole enää kuin kaksi viikkoa jäljellä. :( Hannakaan ei pääse meille ainakaan tällä viikolla, ja Vilukin on mansikassa tällä viikolla, joten loput kesäsuunnitelmat taitavat jäädä viimeiselle lomaviikolle. En kyllä tiedä nyt yhtään mitä sitä tekisi! En haluaisi datatakaan koko aikaa. :---(( Nyyh. Jos sitä vaikka lenkille lähtisi. Ensin kuitenkin juon tekemäni terveellisen mutta herkullisen smoothien.

Billy Talent - Devil on My Shoulder

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jupiter gets Bruised!

I have been so busy lately that sometimes I miss an event that I really should NOT miss. Case in point, "Who slugged Jupiter when I wasn't looking?"
My husband and I were driving and he happened to mention to me, "Hey what about that bruise on Jupiter?" I said, 'What are you talking about?" and he said, "Didn't you hear, an amateur astrologer found a bruise on Jupiter and now astronomers are trying to figure out what hit it."
Talk about an astrological chiropractic adjustment! I sat up straight and said, "I had no idea about this, I am going to see what I can find." So, last night I went to learn more and actually I am glad it took me a week to hear this story. Evidently in the beginning there was conjecture that the thing that hit Jove was as big as Earth. By the time I got to the news they have learned it was probably only a few hundred meters in size (Thank Heavens!)
I, of course, (like I am sure every astrologer) thought about the astrological connection to this big 'shiner' and the conjunction between Jupiter and Chiron and Neptune. Chiron conjunctions bring wounds that need to be healed. It appears Jupiter's massiveness attracts everything and anything floating through his corner of the universe. And Neptune can bring out the victims.
I wonder what this means for Jupiter personalities? Bigger than life, Oxygen suckers, KnowItAlls, Judges---The people who walk into a room and before long everyone is circling around them, will they attract some hits? I don't know I am just mulling this over for the first time this morning.
Curiously, I remember fifteen years ago when Shoemaker-Levy Comet hit Jupiter. It was a thing of beauty. And I recall Buzz Myers my old astrologer spoke at length about the connection to Jupiter. I remember he suggested that Jupiter was getting something to change it or if not change it, something to influence it. Something from out of Jupiter's normal influence of power, a foreign visitor coming to teach him something. He mused about it but of course we could not know for sure about the implicatons.
At that time Pluto was at 25 degrees of Scorpio and we were dealing with all kinds of Scorpio issues (google S&L scandals) but now looking back on it I am wondering about that influence on Jupiter considering Pluto moved into Sag his home sign a couple years later. Had that rock'em sock'em Shoemaker Levy shaken Jupiter up so much it was a message of what was to come?
Colombine and 9/11 showed how a handful of benign looking guys (not unlike shoemaker levy) can do a whole world of hurt. I certainly don't know this for sure but it does make me scratch my head as we see this new wound.
Anyway, since I am late on the party on this one I have gone to see what some other astrologers have said and I think you might want to read Philip Sedgwick's take. It is interesting and thoughtful. Give it a read.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

North Node---The First Move into Capricorn--Game on!

In the evening (EDT) of July 26---- The Mean North Node will move into Capricorn. I know some of you are not too versed in astrology but still enjoy my blog (Thanks for your kind thoughts) so I don't want to bog you down with too much tech talk...but let me just explain that the movement of the nodes is wonky and the mean node takes into account the weird rate the nodes move. If you want to learn more on it go check out Molly's sight who does a nice job explaining it.
Having said that---The Mean Node is crossing into Capricorn on July 26...but the True Node makes the move into Cap on August 21st. In looking down the future I had it in my mind to post my text on Node Cap change on August 21st. However, in thinking about it I have decided to go ahead and post it now, with the Mean Node's transit into Cap. I think it will be interesting to see if we experience some stufff now----my gut is more will come out after the True nodes makes the move but we may still see stuff now that is very Capricorn North Node. ( And Cancer South Node--tsk, tsk). Anyway, here it is:
This is from my New Moon article
Now the important stuff---Ch, ch, ch, changes……

The nodes of the moon are going to change signs. First of all, the nodes are not planets, they are points. They have to do with the sun, the moon and the earth and the paths that they take. The nodes are a bit erratic in that they go backwards and forwards all the time and in no set pattern. They also go through the signs backwards. Instead of Aries, Taurus, Gemini---they go into Gemini, Taurus then Aries. The nodes are split into North Node and South Node. And it is the North Node where we have to stretch. The South Node is where we are lazy and where we have to be careful that we don’t fall victim to our past. The North Node is harder but more much more rewarding. I will share a personal experience just to help clarify the nodes. I have a North Node in Scorpio in the 7th house and the South Node in Taurus in my first house was very easy. I could do anything alone (first house). Go to a movie, go to an event, hang out somewhere, go to dinner, I didn’t care if I was alone. I cherished it. Perhaps too much. What I was supposed to do was be in partnership. And the fact that I have North Node in Scorpio I needed to be a resource for others and ask people, ”What do you need?” Let me tell you---that was very hard for my South Node in Taurus in the first house!! I wanted to be my own person, do my own thing in my own time. At the same time, it was a bit lonely (Do ya think?). But once I put myself out there in a seventh house way my life was inordinately richer. Doors opened for me in ways I cannot explain. Perhaps downright miraculous. The funny thing is that I made the move to my North Node before I actually learned about the nodes. I felt compelled to stretch and get beyond myself. I knew it was calling me and I was doing the work but when I actually learned about the nodes it sealed the deal and I could never look back. If you want to learn more about your nodes I strongly encourage you to get Jan Spiller’s book “Astrology for the Soul.” It is a seminal book on the topic.

But back to my point (as always I drift). The nodes are going to change signs in August. The North node will move from “We are the world- Aquarius” into “Is this prudent?- Capricorn” and the south node will move from “I am great” Leo into “My feelings are so important Cancer”. While the North Node was in Aquarius (since Jan 2008), the need to be social and gather within groups was extremely pronounced. It is interesting to me that the stock market crashed while the North Node was in Aquarius, I mean didn’t it help to know that we all were in it together? We all lost 1/3 of our investments (or greater). But now when the bell gets rung in Capricorn it will be a bit different.

Before I speak of North Node in Capricorn let’s look back and see how the nodes work. In 2005 the North Node was in Aries. Aries demands to be a leader, it gets out in front, it is fiery, it is a general in search of an army. The South Node in Libra is waiting for others to take charge. Libra leans back and let’s others pick up the slack. Curiously, in 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and I remember marveling at the power of the nodes. Here was North Node in Aries and there was no leader. No president, no FEMA, no governor, or senator was leading. Many of them tried but it seemed like we were a boat without a rudder. Perhaps the only one who seemed to know things was that guy from Amsterdam working on dams at the University in Baton Rouge who had warned the levees were not sound. But then he was not a leader. He was just a smart guy that everyone ignored. The energy was out there for all of us to witness---I don’t know about you, but I found myself standing up in my world a bit more during that time. I was so frustrated by the lack of leader that I became my own leader.

And on September 11, the North Node was in Cancer and the South Node was in Capricorn. Remember the south node is the lazy side, the thing we need to stretch out from. Like many astrologers on that Tuesday morning, I quickly drafted a chart for the day and saw a lot of aspects but I did note that the South Node was in Capricorn. Capricorn when it is in the South Node is a bit of a scrooge and a task master and hung up with work. Sadly, the vast majority of those people who died on 9/11 died at work. After it happened didn’t all of us go home and hug our children and family more? Didn’t we all GET the North Node in Cancer energy at that moment?

Now eight years later the nodes will switch from 9/11. It will be the North Node who will be in Capricorn and we will need to release the south node in Cancer meaning we will release the emotions, the feelings, the neediness. What does that mean? Well, I can tell you that I know a lot of people who were born with North Node in Capricorn and they never got their career off the ground because of their South Node in Cancer. They didn’t feel like pushing themselves. They didn’t feel like moving to a new town with more opportunities. They clung to the familiar even when it was no longer prudent. This is absolutely the wrong message for North Node in Capricorn. Capricorn is not particularly sentimental. Of course when it is bad it is a scrooge and penny pincher and cold ass. But when it is excelling, it has long vision and is the ultimate survivor. Don’t believe me? Between 1935 and 1936 the North Node was in Capricorn and many Jewish families in Berlin said, “Get me out of here.” They left behind generations of memories and history and they headed for new countries because they saw the writing on the wall and they knew survival was more important than sentiment. Many took a financial bath but it was still worth it to keep the family alive. Isn’t that the positive side of cancer? That is the positive side of the nodes, stretch and blend.

And in ’35 in America , it was the depths of The Depression and the Dust Bowl was so bad many Oklahoman’s, Iowans and Missourians packed up and moved to California and other states. There was no work or sustenance for them in their bread basket state. They knew they had to move and they did what they could to get there. They left roots because those roots were now barren. Who benefited? Their children and their children’s children. That is a perfect example of blending the two nodes. When you stretch out to the north you get results that come from the south. But if you do it in reverse and hang out and hide in the south energy you suffer greatly.

Let’s continue to look back at North Node in Capricorn South Node in Cancer. It took place right smack in the middle of World War 1 (between 1916 and 1918) and it was during this time that the United States joined the war.

It also took place between 1953 and 1955 during the escalation of the Cold War and McCarthyism and in that case I think we can see where the fear in Cancer South Node got the better of the nation. We got another round of North Node in Capricorn between 1972 & 1973 and between 1990 until 1992 which both coincided with huge financial recessions in America. Does all of this feel familiar?

Basically, when we look back on the last century of North Nodes in Capricorn we see they are associated with very tough times. And in tough times you have to make tough choices, there is not much room for sentimentality (cancer south node). We should expect the same for our next round of North Node Cap/ South node Cancer which will last from August 2009 until March 2011. If I believed in coincidences I would say, how curious we are getting two new moons in Cancer where we are processing out our emotions just before the nodes switch into Capricorn and Cancer. Isn’t that convenient that we can clean up our act before the nodes change signs? But of course, I don’t believe in coincidences and I think this is a wonderful opportunity (by design) to prep us for the next two years which are going to have a hurdle of challenges. Don’t sleep through the next twenty eight days. Live light, eat light, watch your neediness and overt sentimentality and just for sport google north node in Capricorn. See what you can learn to prep yourself.