Tuesday, March 30, 2010

On The Air......

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Jamie Roth (AKA Intuitive Jamie) on her show Intuitive Encounters which you can find HERE.

The topic was TreasureMapping. My history with Treasure Maps and the rules of the road. I encourage those of you who are still new to Treasure Maps to give it a listen.


Hot Kareena Kapoor Wallpapers



A fatal attraction to cuteness

Olisin julkaissut tämän postauksen jo eilen, mutta Blogger päätti taas temppuilla eikä ladannut kuvia, joten piti jättää tämän tekeminen täksi päiväksi. Mutta eipä se mitään, mieluummin minä tätä näpyttelen kuin luen enkkua tai asiakassuuntaista markkinointia.. :D

Viime perjantaina kävin koulussa vain esittämässä tekstiiliesitelmän PowerPointina Allun kanssa, ja sitten suunnattiin Kuopioon shoppailemaan kun oli kyyditkin. :) Mainitsinkin viime postauksessa, että viime torstaina Kuopioon avattiin Gina Tricot, ja oli mukavaa päästä katsastamaan se niin pian. Haluan muuttaa Kuopioon!
Shoppailu sujui tässä asussa, + tietenkin ulkovaatteet. Piti muokkailla silmät piiloon kun argh tulee aina ärsyttävät punasilmät kun ottaa asukuvan. -__-
♥ hihaton, neule, hame, leggarit, pipo, huivi & korvikset: H&M
♥ laukku: Seppälä
♥ pinni: KappAhl
Onneksi päätin ostaa tuon huivin viimeksi Jyväskylässä käydessäni, se on vain niin ihana!
En minä Kuopiostakaan tyhjin käsin lähtenyt, vaan tuhlasin pitkästä aikaa vähän liikaakin.. Talven aikana ei vain hirveästi löytynyt mitään ostamisen arvoista.
Mentiin heti ensimmäiseksi Ginaan, ja ajateltiin että se olisi varmaan ihan täynnä räteistä tappelevia naisia, mutta onneksi kello oli n. 11.30, joten siellä yllättävän vähän porukkaa. :) Yllätyin vähän kun halusin ehdottomasti sovittaa tätä seuraavaa mekkoa, koska se on vihreä, ja omistan entuudestaan vain vihreän ihanan t-paidan. Tämä arkimekko kuitenkin hurmasi minut, vaikka vähän mietinkin sen ostamista. Hintaa sillä oli 19,90€. Se on vähän tuollainen pussimainen, mutta sen saa suoraksikin kun avaa helman alla olevat rusetit joilla se pysyy tuossa muodossa.
Ostoslistallani oli jo löytämäni arkimekon lisäksi printti-t-paitoja, ja tämä ihanuus löytyi myöskin Ginasta. Hintaa oli 9,90€. Tästä tulee ihan mieleen Alice in Wonderland!
H&M:ltä löysin tällaiset söpöt kesäkengät, hintaa oli 9,95€.  Nyt vain odottelen kuivia kelejä.
Oli ihanaa löytää nämä söpöt niittirannekeet H&M:n lasten puolelta, ja vielä ihanampaa oli kun hintaa näillä oli 1,95/kpl. ♥
Jim&Jillistä sorruin ostamaan vain täman aika ison pipon, kun se maksoi vain 2€.
Mietin aika pitkään tämän korun kohdalla Glitterissä, että ostanko vai enkö, kun pelkään kaikkien feikkihopeakorujen ja -kultakorujen kulumista, mutta en minä tätä sinne sitten raaskinutkaan jättää kun se heilui niin kivasti ja oli ainoa kappale jäljellä. Tuii. ♥ Maksoi 8,90€.
Se ottaa lepiä, kuten veljeni sanoisi.
Muissa kaupoissa ei keretty käydä, paitsi Subwayssa syömässä, ja palattiin kotia kohti. Heti sen jälkeen lähdettiin veljelle etsimään paitaa ja hupparia. Milloinkahan olisin sen kanssa viimeksi ollut jossain kaupassa.. Se myöskin pölli H&M:ltä tilaamani pilottilasit, ja jouduin tilaamaan uudet. Pöh. Ollaan kohta samiksia.

Viime viikolla ei tainnut tapahtua mitään kamalan erikoista. Oltiin kylläkin pari päivää veljen, koirien ja Otuksen kanssa viidestään, kun porukat lähtivät Kajaaniin viettämään äitini lomaa. Olisivat voineet tuoda tuliaisia! :D Katsoin myös Marley & Me -leffan ja itkin silmät päästäni, koska siitä tuli ihan mieleen koiramme Napsu, joka jouduttiin lopettamaan viime kesänä. Byää! Koko naama punoitti varmaan koko illan ja nenäliinoja kului. En ole edes kovin montaa leffaa katsoessani itkenyt..
Okei mutta eilen asuni näytti tältä. Nuo mustat pillit kustomoin viikonloppuna itse, koska huomasin että toisen polven kohdalle oli tullut reikä. Taidan tykätä näistä nyt vielä entistä enemmän!
♥ t-paita: Gina Tricot
♥ huppari: H&M
♥ pillit: H&M (itse muokattu)
♥ laukku: äidin vanha
♥ vyö: Cubershop
♥ rusetti: Backstreet
♥ niittirannekkeet: sieltä täältä
Yhyy huono kuva. Piti vähän muokata että näkyisi nuo viillot paremmin. Viilsin myös vähän reiteen mattoveitsellä, hups.
Ai niin, vähän aikaa sitten serkkutytöt kävivät meillä, ja saatiinpa sitten sellainen päähänpisto että Katja tarvitsee pikaista tyylinmuutosta. Olin juuri ostanut ne ohennussaksetkin, joten sain taas toimia kampaajana. :D Ekaa kertaa kyllä leikkasin jonkun hiukset ihan uuteen uskoon. Tässä kuitenkin alkutilanne, + ainakin viisi tuntia kestäneet kuvanmuokkaukset, ah.
..ja lopputulos:
Serkku vaikutti tyytyväiseltä lopputulokseen, toivottavasti on sitä edelleen. :D Ehkä minun sittenkin pitäisi alkaa kampaajaksi, kun kerta leikkelen aina kaikkien hiuksia.. ;)

Viime viikolta on julkaisematta monta asua, mutta ehkä saan nekin tungettua johonkin postaukseen. Nyt kuitenkin lähden hakemaan iltapalaa ja yritän edes lukea kokeisiin..

Hartiajumituksen keskeltä

Tuo kieputtelu. Se voi sitten raivostuttaa ja ihastuttaa saman sekunnin sisällä. Erityisesti korupiikkien kanssa taiteilu tuollaisten ryppäitten kanssa voi ottaa pahasti hermon päälle silloin, kun ei oikein tiedä mitä on edes tekemässä.

Helminä on hopean sävyisiä makeanvedenhelmiä, muutamia labradoriitteja, hopeahelmiä sekä spinellejä. Kieputuksen keskellä on kolikkomallinen hopeahelmi ja sehän tietysti alkoi pyöriä siinä ärsyttävästi... juotin sitten takapuolelta yhdestä kulmaa kiinni, joten siitäs sai! Kieputukset on patinoitu, rypästä en uskaltanut enää patinaan upottaa. Olis voinu mennä hermo hinkatessa.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Feng Shui By Fishgirl

Before I talk about Feng Shui, I want to talk about my email account. In the last ten years my email account has changed at least five times. Not because I was ping ponging from one company to another looking for the best deal. No, the opposite was true. I have only stayed with one company but that company keeps being bought and sold over and over again, each time changing my email account!

That is how I feel about my history with Feng Shui. I stay committed to Feng Shui but my practitioners keep moving!!!! They simply feng shui themselves out of my life. It started in 1996 when my good friend Ann gave me Denise Linn's "Sacred Space" Book. Although the book is NOT about Feng Shui it discusses how to clear out the bad energy and bring in more good energy.

Denise is native american so she brought in a lot of that knowledge and pointed out stagnant energies and how to release them. By the time I finished her book I was clearing out corners and taking stuff to goodwill faster than you can say, "Sacred Space." Luckily for me, my friend Ann with her Moon in Aries was out in front and had found and secured Nate, a Feng Shui practitioner because I could feel myself wanting 'more'. When I heard what Nate did in Ann's house, I was fascinated. Feng Shui seemed a natural progression after reading Sacred Spaces.

So, I too hired Nate. He was great, he came over to my apartment in my tony neighborhood and we worked out all the kinks. There were some issues that needed fixing but for the most part he said it was a pretty clear space. When he gonged the gong, it had an extra ring in it which lifted his eyebrows. He said, "That does not happen often and he said the space was good." Two months later I moved. I laugh now thinking about it. We cleared the energy so well, that I felt the need to downsize. The move was liberating on so many levels and the funny part was my 'big' move was to a smaller apartment two floors up from current apartment.

Now, with all my new information regarding Baguas (9 squares) and my list of Nos and Yes's (No Mirror in the bedroom. Yes, a Water feature near the front door.) I was ready to set up my new place with a lot more thought to space. Nate came to the new place and gave it the once over and agreed it was in good shape. And then just like that Nate moved six time zones away from Los Angeles.

And so I floated without any practitioner for two years in my little apartment but I had no complaints, my boyfriend and I got engaged and all was good. Then, again, following the gypsy in my soul, I moved out of my little place back into a bigger size apartment, this time one floor down from little apartment. I was now in my third apartment in this one building. I'm sure the managers thought I was nuts but if you saw the 1920's building in this leafy neighborhood you would have stayed too!

Anyway, after we got married and had been in the new place over a year, I felt strongly that the energy was 'off'. I was now ready to find a new Feng Shui practitioner and as these things tend to happen---when you are ready for something, that something will walk into your life and thus entered Juko.

Juko had many skills not the least was Feng Shui, but she was different for me. Nate practiced Black Hat Feng Shui which was Form School Feng Shui and Juko practiced Compass. Both, schools rely on a Grid but one uses the compass directions and the other uses the position of the Front Door. My head started to spin as I moved into East, South, West and North thinking. But once again, I had huge successes, not the least being the conception and birth of my son. And so it was that we puttered along in our apartment until my son turned six months and started to crawl. I began to panic about being up five floors with an active son and so we moved. We settled for a townhouse one neighborhood away with an expansive communal backyard. It was a piece of heaven and one more time, Juko came over, gave extensive notes as we dealt with a second floor and a front door that is directly in line to a back door (yikes) she suggested some shifts of furniture and just like that announced she was not going to be able to take any more Feng Shui clients or appointments because she was returning to school for her Masters Degree in Design. So, I was on my own again.

Now by this point, I was in my eight year of Feng Shui and space clearing and finding energies in my house that I was simply healing myself. I would putter around, tweak things, remember various lessons from Nate and Juko. Doing it all. Until finally in 2007 I could once again, feel the energy shift and I said to my husband, "I've gotta get a Feng Shui practitioner again." And so I went searching. And this is when I found Katy Allgeyer Feng Shui by Fish Girl . Katy at the time lived in Los Angeles and was convenient and after looking at her blog, I just "got" that she would be the right energy for us. Katy came over and suggested various colors to be painted on certain walls, some movement of furniture, areas that we needed to 'fix' primarily having to do with the walls of junk that one has with a five year old boy. But she did not have me overhaul everything. We did not have to go down to the studs and completely change our life over of which my husband said, "Oh, Thank god!" After Katy's work, which was a return to Form School Feng Shui, the house seemed to hum better and the hurdles shortened and the rewards multiplied. And of course, and frankly, I was used to this.. Katy sent me an email.."I'm moving to North Carolina." Was it me? or what?

I was totally fine with Katy's move since I felt we were in good shape. But then two years later I felt a 'leak' of energy in my house. My husband's schedule was increasingly taking more and more time away from the family, my own energy was being dissipated as I was being pulled in more and more different directions. Again, I felt 'off'. My friend Margaret had a recommendation of Kerry Ann who practiced Compass School. Luckily for me, Kerry Ann was in sync with Katy and although it could have been topsy turvy given my front door is directly opposite the Feng Shui North but because I use my back door like a front door the whole thing kind of worked. Kerry Ann's notes were useful and once again, we hummed along but with all things Feng Shui--I was not surprised that Kerry Ann's availability was limited since she lives primarily in Europe and is in town only a few weeks a year. And so I was on my own again for a year.

Then last month, I got an email from Katy that she would be in town and did I want a tune up? The answer was a resounding YES. I have come to realize that I always benefit by a Feng Shui practitioner's eye. I just get sloppy. I don't mean that my house is a mess kind of sloppy. I mean, sloppy in other ways. Katy said right away that my front entrance was in need of a fix. My two fruit trees branches were blocking the entrance, the front mat was ratty, the potted plants looked more half dead than half alive. After ten years of Feng Shui, I know better but I needed Katy to come in and call my attention. Hey, I once got forty pounds fat, I needed the fat doctor to call me on it. Same with Feng Shui.

Anyway, as to be expected, Katy and I moved back the tree branches from my front door, I went out and got a new mat that said, "Welcome". I started moving out some of the clutter that had accumulated in the last year and bingo..I saw a change. I had some people step up significantly at my son's school so the pressure was not just on me to get some stuff changed. I had a family member help me in a way they had never helped before. My husband got an offer that could improve his career. All in all, we felt the energy shift and concrete results. This is the stuff of Feng Shui. Luckily, you can all benefit by it in the here and now. You should check out Katy's blog--FENG SHUI BY FISHGIRL She can work with you in real life and by remote. Please give her a read.

Now, let me go move a box of crap out of my life as I prepare the space for Treasure Map.

And as Denise Linn says, "Our homes are mirrors of ourselves. Through them we can interface with the universe."

What does yours say about you?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Full Moon Libra --March 29, 2010

Have you ever had the experience of going into a party filled with lovely, vibrant fun people but over on the couch is one dark ass personality sucking up a lot of the oxygen?

Well, that is this Full Moon. Sun Trine Mars, brings lot of energy a 'taking care of business' aspect, Mercury conjuncts Venus, which is good for the way we communicate to our loved ones. Mercury Sexiles Neptune, which adds more inspired thinking. Also, Mars trines Jupiter which brings in big, outside, foreign influence that again energize us and as previously discussed on the New Moon we still have Mars sextile Saturn which continues the energy of getting stuff 'done'.

Those are all great influences and I hope we use them to full advantage. So, who is sucking the oxygen on the couch? Pluto.

Pluto just squared the Sun on March 25 but is still an influence for this Full moon and now added to the mix, Pluto is Squaring Moon in Libra. Ouch.
Pluto highlights, power under the surface which is desperate to break free (think volcanoes). Where are we feeling shackled? Where do we feel trapped? As we know Pluto in Capricorn is shaking up business and government and those who rule from the top. And as we know you can be on the top of any mountain but if the foundation is weak---you will come crumbling down. We will know more about this energy during the Summer and the cardinal grand crosses. But, perhaps this full moon will shine a light on what is to come this Summer? See what comes up for you. Do you feel like you are a servant? Do you feel like you are not honoring your own leadership? Or do you feel you are on top of the world but there is a crack in your foundation? What can you do now on this full moon to address that crack? I would take full advantage of those great aspected planets and see if they be used to help you rethink solutions for your your cracks.
Basically, this is a good opportunity to look in the mirror and say--"help."
And another good day to remember the serenity prayer.

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things that I can;
And the wisdom to know the difference.

ETA: Because this full moon is putting pressure on the cardinal signs that we will be revisiting (this summer and later) I think anything coming up on this phase is worth watching with a VERY keen eye. With that in mind, I believe the following is noteable. (and yes some of this happened just before Full but still in my mind close enough to count)

Terrorist Bombs kill Subway riders in Moscow

Smashing Atoms, Hadron Collider begins colliding subatomic particles

French President Sarkozy tells US Bankers--You're doing it again!

Iranian Nuclear Physicist Defects

Washington DC Shooting Spree

Another wave of black widow bombers in Russia

I PAD--- A Hit!

Pope Benedict: Hiding the Sex Scandal HEATS UP

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Review: Knightley Academy by Violet Haberdasher

Title: Knightley Academy
Author: Violet Haberdasher
Genre: Juvi, Younger YA readers, fantasy, steampunk, adventure, friendship
Perfect for: those who enjoy the 'Harry Potter' or 'Vampirates' series

Henry Grim is an orphan who for most of his thirteen years has worked as a servant at the local boarding school.  When a loop hole in the system allows Henry and other commoners to take the exam to gain acceptance into the posh and highly exclusive Knightley Academy, Henry does everything he can to pass the test and, to his great surprise, is chosen above all other test takers to attend!

School life isn't all that is cracked up to be, even in a school where 'chivalry' is the basic code, as he and his roommates, fellow outcasts Adam and Rohan, learn that someone is sabotaging their chances of staying at Knightley Academy.  With the help of the headmasters daughter Frankie, Henry, Adam, and Rohan must find out who wants them out before they really are expelled.

The first thing that grabbed me about 'Knightley Academy' was the title.  It's just a great title.  Along with that, the cover is nicely put together and should attract attention.  It caught mine pretty much instantly.  While the page count looks a bit hefty, don't worry.  The text is large and the story moves along in such a way you won't notice anything but the story.

Author Violet Haberdasher has put together a story that should attract anyone who enjoyed Harry Potter.  The style is similar in the fact that this is a fun read about friendship and confidence and is filled with so many possibilities for future storylines.  By no means is this book a stand alone novel.  There will be sequels-- sequels that I am very much looking forward to reading.

The characters are fantastic.  We have Henry, the main character, who is confident and bright, but  has drawn the short end of the straw when it comes to lineage.  A common boy, he is the character that keeps us, the readers, from being confused about this new world.  His voice is easy to read and he's just an overall great character.

Along with Henry, we have Rohan, Adam, and Frankie.  Rohan comes from a proper family, but as he is biologically the son of a dark skinned servant, he is shunned due to his color.  Rohan is the logical one of the group.  Adam, son of a banker, is Jewish and brings a fantastic sense of humor to the tale.  Frankie, daughter of the headmaster, wants to learn many things-- far more than the stitchery and languages her grandmother deems appropriate for girls.

These four heroes make for fantastic friends and a fantastic story that has some steampunk influences and lots of adventure.  While the main storyline in this novel has an ending, it is definitely apparent that this is the beginning of a great series.

If you are or know a Harry Potter or Vampirates fan looking for something new, this is it.  It's fun, adventurous, quirky, and humorous.  Highly recommended!  'Knightly Academy' is available now from your local bookstore and online!

Mountain Astrologer on the Newstand!

I received the latest Mountain Astroloer in my mail this week. I have not had the time to read the whole issue but I am about half way through it and once again, it is a spectacular and timely material.

In particular, The cover story, "The Astrology of the US Dollar and World Currencies" is a must read for anyone who uses US dollars. Once again, we are brought back to the topic that I have certainly discussed which is the chart of The Federal Reserve. I do not consider myself an expert on this topic by a long shot but there are plenty of astrologers who know TFR chart and what a beating it is taking at this time. One such astrologer is Maurice Lavenant. I have read other articles by Mr. Lavenant and all of them well researched, especially in historical context. Naturally, he speaks of the tough aspects we are having this summer and how they fit up against TFR chart. And although it is not pretty, he is not predicting what way the chips will fall. Just that the chips will fall.

I also found Tem Tearrktar "A Planetary Wake Up Call: June-August 2010" an important read. Again, we have been talking a lot about these 2010 aspects for quite some time. But every time I read another astrologer's take on it, I feel I am informed. Each one of us brings our own nuance to the discussion. But for me, I think that feeling of "being informed" is vital. Of course, I am a Sag, so the more info the better!

Tem is the editor of Mountain Astrologer and at the end of the article he mentioned that starting in April TMA's home page will provide links on their site that they think are the most detailed and useful in interpreting and preparing for June-August 2010 and beyond. They also have a TMA page on Facebook where this is already a discussion going on for each chart of the 6 hard aspects. I have not been there yet, but I did want to let you know about it.

I'm anxious to crack the rest of the magazine as soon as I can, I hope some of you will hit the newsstands or go online and order your copy.

kareena kapoor

kareena kapoor sexy legs
kareena kapoor citywalk
kareena kapoor fashion
kareena kapoor in action
kareena kapoor legs

Life is short, you're capable

Aurinkoa onkin jo odoteltu tämän ikuisuuden kestäneen pimeyden jälkeen, ja ah rakastan sitä. ♥ Samoin myös lemmikkimme, jotka etsivät aina aurinkoiset paikat olohuoneesta. Näin tapahtui mm. tiistaina.
Cocis light. ♥ Pilli Miquesta.
Remulle kasvaa aina talveksi polkuanturoiden väleihin kunnon karvatupsut. :D
Mömmö elementissään, eli jumppaamassa. ♥
Nykyään Mömmö aina ottaa jonkun rievun ja alkaa puremaan ja "kirputtamaan" sitä, ehkä se on valeraskaana.
Niin mitenkäs se juttu meni, että ajan myötä omistaja alkaa muistuttamaan koiraansa..? Tämä on ehkä paras tilannekuva vähään aikaan.
Tiistaina aurinko paistoi myös koulussa, ja mentiin taas Allun kanssa välitunnilla ottamaan aurinkoa päätykäytävään.
Allero. ♥
Tässä tiistain asu esiteltynä paremmin.
♥ paita, neule, hame, pinni & sormus: H&M
♥ sukkikset: KappAhl
♥ laukku: Fiorella
♥ panta: Accessorize
♥ korvikset: blogiarvonnasta
♥ helmet kaulassa & ranteessa & aurinkolasit: kirppari
♥ rusetti: Seppälä
Tykkäsin asusta paljon, ja siinä onkin 50-luvun henkeä. :) Kynsissäni on viime postauksessa esittelemääni uutta H&M:n lakkaa. Lakkasin sillä sunnuntaina kynteni kahteen otteeseen, ja olen ollut tosi tyytyväinen, koska yleensä lakat alkavat lähtemään aika nopeasti, ja tuo on ihanan peittävääkin kun laittoi kaksi kerrosta. Hintaakin oli vain sen 2,95€, ja pullokin on syötävän söpö.
Aiheuttiko asuni kenellekään muulle 50-luvun viboja?

Lisääntyvä auringonpaisteen määrä aiheutti kohdallani varmaan sen kun sunnuntai-iltana halusin yht'äkkiä laittaa Gwen Stefanin Love. Angel. Music. Baby. -levyn koneelleni. Ostin kyseisen levyn varmaan kutosluokalla, ja kuuntelin sen aikoinaan melkein puhki. Tällä viikolla en sitten olekaan kuunnellut melkein mitään muuta kun Gweniä! Eroaa hiukan nykyisestä musiikkimaustani..
Koska YouTube on kökkö en löytänyt tästä mahtibiisistä hyvälaatuista lyhyttä versiota, joten tässä siis video kokonaisuudessaan. Biisi alkaa suunnilleen kohdasta 3:25.

P.S. Toivottavasti tähän postaukseen jätettävät kommentit tulevat ihan normaalisti perille, koska Blogger on sekoillut lähiaikoina eikä kaikki kommentit ole tulleet ollenkaan valvottaviksi, ja jotkut tulevat jotenkin myöhässä. Toivotaan parasta!

P.P.S. Torstaina aukesi Kuopioon Gina Tricot, ja tietysti se oli päästävä katsastamaan mahdollisimman nopeasti! Eilisestä Kuopionreissusta ja ostoksissa seuraavassa postauksessa. :) Taas on yksi syy enemmän haluta muuttaa Kuopioon. ;)