Tuesday, June 29, 2010

R E A D >________>

good morning! kello on jotai viis aamuyöst, ja joudun ilmoittamaan teille erään tärkeänlaisen asian.

eli, ulkoasu muuttunut. joka tarkoittaa et pilasin tän osittain. :::D en kuitenkaa halua teidän olettavan, että tämä olisi se lopullinen. menin säheltää jotain koodien kaa ja lopulta jouduin laittaa kaiken uusiks ja siitä tuli tälläne, enkä jaksa nyt ruveta tappelee tän kaa. joten päivityksii luvas myöhemmin. oon myös alottanu kirjottaa uutta merkintää enne traconii, mut seki ny vähä viivästyy. :/

i'm so sorry! ;___; itekkää en paljo tykkää tästä, _liian vaaleanpunainenpinkkiah_. mutta saatte odottaa. >.<

 don't be angry please?

The other side of the eclipse

How was the weekend for you? What did you have to rise above? What did you observe? What did you say? What did you not say? What did you feel in your gut?
whast did you feel about your roots?

I was cooking on all burners over here and it was not easy.

I felt like I was processing so much information that my head was spinning and
I had to find my inner yogi every day and then of course try like heck not to run him over with the car.

News: Blogging Authors...

I recently found two author blogs you might want to take a look at!

First comes the blog by Tom Angleberger, author of 'The Strange Case of Origami Yoda'.  Overall, it's a pretty neat site.  You'll find blog entries, along with instructions on how to make your own Origami Yoda and (in the blog) Origami Admiral Ackbar!  Angleberger also lists his tour dates and other general information on the site.  Check it out!!!

Second is a blog written by Kirsten Miller, author of 'The Eternal Ones'.  She has some pretty interesting things going on over there!  Check the entries to learn how to submit your photo for her 'Who Were You' posts, where she explains who you were in one of your past lives.  Miller also talks a lot about the supernatural things that have happened to her in the past.  

Monday, June 28, 2010

News: Stephenie Meyer Does It Again!

According to Yahoo!, 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella' has sold over 1 million copies.  That is quite good considering it's only been out for a little over a month!

If you haven't purchased your copy yet, remember that until July 5th, the book is being hosted on a dedicated site to read in its entirety for free.  Yes, free!  Head over and check it out.

I haven't read 'The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella' yet, mostly due to the fact that I had completely forgotten about the character featured. I had to look around the web to figure out who she was.   I actually doubt I'll ever read it, even though I am a recovering Twi-hard, because even after learning who the character was, I still wasn't too interested. 

Me thinks I'll just hold off until the fantastically lucky Stephenie Meyer comes out with some new universe-- or a sequel to 'The Host'

Zarine Khan Cool Images

Zarine Khan image

Zarine Khan image

Zarine Khan image

Zarine Khan Cool Images

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Lataan kuvat nyt ekaa kertaa Flickrin kautta, kun niin moni on valitellu ettei TinyPicin kautta ladatut kuvat näy. Ilmottakaa jos kuvat ei näy, niin lataan ne sitten TinyPicin kautta kun taidan vihata tota Flicriä.

Mun kesä on edelleen jatkunu rentona ja suurimmaks osaks tylsänä. Siksipä vähän kuvailin viime viikolla.
Mömmö halus käpyjä. :D
Torstaina menin kaupunkiin, ja käytiin taas Allun kanssa kahella eri rannalla. Oli ihanan lämmin. ♥ Allu otti musta asukuvat, mutta en tajua miten ne ei ollukaan kamerassa kun aloin niitä myöhemmin kattomaan, joten ette nyt nää mun koko asua. :--(
♥ paita: Killah (Jim&Jill)
♥ arskat: H&M
♥ korvikset: Vilulta
♥ laukku: second hand
♥ kengät: kirppis
Äiti teki mulle joskus monta vuotta sitten vetoketjusta rannekorun, mutta en sitä koskaan käyttäny vaan se joutu laatikon pohjalle. Nyt sen kuitenkin löysin, ja se sopi täydellisesti mun paitaan kun siinäkin oli neliapiloita.
Toisella rannalla meidän seuraks tuli pullasorsa, ja mulla oli sattumoisin Marie-keksejä mukana, joista sorsa näytti olevan aika innoissaan. :)
Mulla oli suunnitelmissa mennä juhannukseks Hanna-serkun luo, mutta suunnitelmat peruuntu ja jouduin menemään porukoiden ja toisien serkkujen kanssa Hannan lapsuudenkotiin maalle juhannusta viettämään. Oli vähän tylsää, kun ois ollu kiva vähän bilettää, mutta ehkäpä sitten ens vuonna kun oon 18.
Ollaan vietetty melkeinpä joka juhannus tuolla samassa paikassa sukulaisten luona. Saunottiin, uitiin, syötiin, pelattiin sulkapalloo ja käytiin soutelemassa. Aika perus settiä. Onneks kävi tuuri ja alko satamaan vasta kolmelta kun oltiin menty jo nukkumaan!
Sukulaisilla on maitotila, ja siitä syystä siellä oli mm. kaks söpöö vasikkaa. ♥ Niillä on kauheen pitkät kielet. :D
Koska oon tosiaan viettäny paljon aikaa kotona, oon kattonu Hannah Montanan kolmannen kauden (XD), ja ihan uuden tuttavuuden eli Gleen ekan kauden. Glee tulee varmaan joskus näkymään Suomessakin telkkarissa, ja suosittelen sen sitten katsomaan. :) En siis tienny tuosta ohjelmasta mitään etukäteen, enkä ollu alussa oikein varma että tykkäänkö siitä vai en, mutta loppujen lopuks se oli kyllä kattomisen arvonen. :) Kyseessä on siis amerikkalainen draama/komedia/musikaali-ohjelma. Eilen illalla kuuntelin YouTubesta siinä laulettuja kappaleita ja rääyin mukana kun olin yksin kotona.. :--D Kurt on ihana!
Jee, huomenna lähetään Hannan kanssa mökille, ja ollaan siellä kaks yötä, jos Hannalla ei oo töitä. :) Jos sillä on keskiviikkona töitä, mennään Allun kanssa kattomaan ti-ke välisenä yönä Epäilys. :--) Varkaudessa ei oo varmaan aiemmin pidetty mitään yönäytöksiä, ja toi ois Epäilyksen ensi"ilta". Jos tullaan mökiltä vasta keskiviikkona, mennään kattomaan se ehkä joku toinen päivä.
Keskiviikkona on muuten 30.6, mikä tarkottaa sitä että oon ollu neljä vuotta karkki/sipsilakossa. Oon nyt jo kauan suunnitellu että lopettaisin lakon sillon, joten pystyisin syömään ekat karkit joko leffan yönäytöksessä, tai sitten mökillä. :D Jännää! Huomenna kaupassa oon suurien valintojen eessä, kun pitää päättää ekat karkit mitä syön. =D Tekee kyllä varmasti mieli syyä ne jo mökillä.

En oo muuten vieläkään käyny ees alennusmyynneissä, nyyh, ois pitäny ees uudet biksut löytää kun omistan vaan kahet joista oikeestaan vaan toisia käytän. :| Toivottavasti pääsis shoppaamaan ennen kun alet loppuu.

PS. Tutustuin tässä joku päivä aivan ihanaan sivustoon nimeltä weheartit.com. ♥ Pitää joskus tehä postaus joistain sieltä löytyneistä kuvista. :3

kareena kapoor sexy pics

kareena kapoor is the most wanted and succesful celebrity in bollyood. She is so beautifull. She also very sexy and hot. Here is some new sexy picture of kareena kapoor:
kareena kapoor sexy picture
kareena kapoor sexy picture
kareena kapoor sexy picture
kareena kapoor sexy picture

Kareena’s New beauty secrets

kareena kapoorkareena kapoor
kareena kapoorkareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
Her glowing skin and svelte figure has millions of girls aspiring to be in her shoes. But Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor says it is her ‘vegetarian’ diet that keeps her fit and glowing.

“Apart from doing yoga to keep myself fit, I am a pure vegetarian. I don’t eat meat and that has helped me a lot to keep fit,” Kareena told reporters in New Delhi.

“I am proud to be a vegetarian and I am against those who eat meat. Go green to be fit, that’s the best way for me at least,” she added.

Kareena had given up non-vegetarian food in 2006, that is two years after she started dating actor and former beau Shahid Kapur, a strict vegetarian himself.

But even after her break-up with Shahid, the actress has continued to follow a vegetarian diet to keep her weight in check.

In fact, in 2007, Kareena had also won the ‘Cutest Vegetarian’ online poll conducted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India’s youth division ‘PETA Dishoom’. She shared the title with actor R. Madhavan.

Apart from eating vegetarian food for her figure and fitness, Kareena’s water intake is high to keep her skin radiant.

“I drink a lot of water for my skin. And yes, my mom is beautiful, so it is also my parents who have gifted me with beautiful skin,” she said.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bookshelf Update!

Just a quick update to catch you up on what I've been reading lately and what I will be reading soon!!!

Just finished:
'The Carbon Diaries: 2015' by Saci Lloyd
Quick Thoughts: Not a fan of this title. I had to push myself though it, skimming most of the last third of the book. Expected more. In stores nationwide and online now.

'Matched' by Ally Condie
Quick Thoughts: When can I get my hands on the sequel? Is tomorrow too soon? :p Needless to say, I really enjoyed this title, being released November 2010.

Looking Forward To:
'Torment' by Lauren Kate (On it's way to me from ALA10!)
'Abyss' by Troy Denning (Hoping Denning's addition to Fate/Jedi is decent!)

Michelle Zink Contest Update- Blog 1!

Remember my last post on the awesome contests Michelle Zink is hosting at various blogs here on the world wide web?  Well,  Blog #1 has been announced and the contest has begun!  Head over to 'Bloody Bookaholic' and comment on her contest post for a chance to win a really fantastic swag package!

FYI, if you didn't enter Michelle's IPod giveaway, go and enter that, too!

Here's a quick look at the new book trailer for  Michelle Zink's book 'Guardian of the Gate'.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lunar Eclipse--Capricorn Full Moon

Capricorn Lunar Eclipse -June 26, 7:31am EDT

Are you feeling the eclipse yet? You should be or as my friend Carol said, “Gad the eclipse is hitting us already....can't believe an East Coast earthquake, the uncapping of the BP well and McChrystal all on the same day”. To Carol I said, “ No kidding!”

The pressure has been mounting all week and I anticipate the energy we experience this week and weekend will have long lasting effects. Accent on “long”. Remember we have been discussing the cardinal cross/crisis/climax all year and this weekend’s Lunar eclipse is part of it. The Full Moon is at 5 degrees Cancer (sun) and Capricorn (Moon). A full moon is when the sun is opposite the moon and of course the tensions of Full Moons are legendary. Talk to an E.R. staff about what goes on in their world during a full moon and you’ll hear a lot of drama with or without George Clooney. Now with an eclipse, the full moon goes on steroids because the Lunar Nodes are over shadowed by the Sun. The drive to be responsible, to be mature, to be prudent are out gunned by the emotional, moody and fluctuating desires.

I won’t bog us down too much on the North and South Nodes but ever since August of 2009 when the North Node moved out of Aquarius and into Capricorn we have been striving to be more mature and sober. We went from “Kumbaya, whatever the group wants” to, “wait a minute what is MY responsibility?” In one fell swoop we all knew, deep inside of us it was time to be our own CEO, our own boss our own Father. We basically, all grew up and said, “I’ve got to be an adult.” Curiously, as we process out our own responsibilities we also are asking bigger questions about government. What is government’s role? Can it be managed? And who is working for whom? We will continue to work on this energy until March 2011 when the nodes change signs. But in the mean time the north Node in Capricorn will not be without its challenges and one of them is this Lunar Eclipse.

The Sun in Cancer wants to be fluid, it wants to be emotional it thinks all answers lie it its feelings. I am the first person to tell a friend, “What does your gut tell you?” But there is a difference between gut and feelings and if you don’t know the difference ---now would be the weekend to discern between the two of them. Feelings have both fear and hope in them, the gut is actually “a knowing”. Can you find it?

Additionally, with this lunar eclipse we have the Moon on Pluto. By itself this puts emphasis on power and how we access it or how we run from it. Of course both responses are reliant on character.

As we know the squares taking place this summer are focused on the cardinal points---and with this eclipse, the Sun & Mercury & South Node in Cancer opposes Pluto & Moon and North Node in Capricorn. Then over in Aries we have the conjunction between Uranus and Jupiter squaring Moon & Pluto and ----squaring Sun & Mercury. Uranus and Jupiter are demanding breakthroughs and rebellion and they will do it THEIR way. Because it is in the sign Aries the accent is on rash behavior. Not particularly thought out. Of course, the square aspect is not subtle. It will bring out a concrete hurdle and or crisis. Some of that tension will probably manifest through Mercury which puts emphasis on communication or ‘miscommunication’. Prepare for someone to say something that pisses off others, many will not be able to rise above calling the offender on their poor comment. Who will probably hide behind “Truth” but what we know is truth is really relative and those who are “just telling the truth or stating the ‘obvious’ may not be either. Because like beauty, truth is in the beholder. And since these cardinal energies are perhaps our most primal signs, the truth we all seek is not outside but inside. Meaning, a person can say what is truth or not but in every one of us, ‘our gut knows what is real.”

Expect some people to reach out way beyond their comfort zone as they deal with stuff. There may be real actions based on other reactions. Some of us will access the power of Pluto and take the elevator way, way down and shift things on their core. Great. Others will take the elevator and get depressed. Whatever path you take is fine as long as it is different. Remember, Uranus and Jupiter is demanding a new path.

At the same time Saturn is in the last degrees of Virgo so it is not yet there in the Libra the other cardinal sign but it is still in the mix of the square. The Sun is a wide Square to Saturn but Mercury is a much closer square. Again, emotions will feel pressured and our tongues could be sharp especially as we see the negative actions around us. And of course, Saturn is opposing Jupiter and Uranus. Father (Saturn) is angry at what he considers his mouthy son a rebel without a cause (Uranus). What he doesn’t know is that there is a cause; there is a root to the problem and the reason for the behavior. It doesn’t make it right but still there is something there. This weekend ask where can find discipline in my daily life? How is my diet? How are my structures holding up? Where are the holes in my system? Where are the fault zones? Where do I need to find a breakthrough? Where can I expand? Where can I find a place in the greater world? Where can we find family? What is my relationship with big business? Is it working? Is it not? Watch for power plays. Is it your boss? Is it your country? Is it the patriarch in your family or family of choice? What can I learn from it? How am I looking for power? Where are you trying to find it? What are you willing to do for it?

I take pause that the Global 20 are meeting this weekend. Sigh.

Fight the good fight and breathe.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Golmaal 3 Team Celebrates Film's Completion, Kareena Kapoor Skips Bash 2010

June 23, 2010, (Sawf News) - Golmaal 3 completed filming on June 23 in Hyderabad, and the cast and crew celebrated with a private screening of the action comedy A-Team, followed by dinner.

Busy Kareena Kapoor could not make it to the break-up bash as she was shooting for a brand endorsement.

The rest of the cast - Ajay Devgn, Arshad Warsi, Tusshar Kapoor, Shreyas Talpade and Kunal Khemu watched the film at Ramoji studios at and later gorged on Hyderabadi Briyani during dinner.

Arshad Warsi raved about the Hyderabadi biryani in his tweets through the entire filming in Hyderabad.

Also present on the occasion were writers Sajid and Farhad, cameraman Dudley and art director Narendra Rahurikar.

Golmaal 3 is slated for Diwali release on November 5, 2010.

Filming started in April 2010 in Goa.

kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor
kareena kapoor

Kareena and Abhishek back after ten years

Kareena Kapoor and Abhishek Bachchan

There are definitely gossips going around that Kareena Kapoor and Abhishek Bachchan might act together again after ten long years of war. The silent war between Bebo and Abhishek is not hidden from anyone. Well, whatever may be the case, may it be the break up between Karisma and Abhi or something else; what bugs us is that this pair, who started their career in Bollywood together with JP Dutta's film Refugee, have not been seen together again.
Now, who will explain to them that personal and professional life should be kept apart. Past cannot be corrected even if we try to. The best part is that both Karisma and Abhishek are married and seemed to be quiet happy with their married life. True! time is the best healer. But the wound in the professional relationship between Bebo and Abhi, still seems to be fresh.
This rivalry is not limited to Abhishek or to the Bachchan's but it has also affected Bebo's relationship with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, ignoring the fact that both of them desperately wanted to work with each other. Hope the viewers' dream come true with Bhansali's upcoming film, Hira Mandi where Abhishek is the biggest contender for starring opposite to Kareena Kapoor.
Sanjay who is presently busy with this film Guzaarish with Hrithik Roshan will look at the matter once he gets free. By then it is also expected that Kareena who has already agreed for Bansali's Hira Mandi will be done with her film Ra.1. However, there was a buzz around that Sanjay may stick to Hrithik Roshan for his next movie also, but then Abhishek is more likely to take the cheese away.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Book Trailers: New, Old, and Interesting...

Book trailers are coming out more and more frequently.  Here's a few I stumbled upon recently... The trailers for the Gone novels are actually pretty good!

Trailers Under Cut. Click READ MORE.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter




Lies: A Gone Novel (3)

Review: Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Title: Nightshade
Author: Andrea Cremer
Genre: YA, Supernatural, Romance, slightly harlequin in feeling
Format: ARC
Release Date: October 2010
Perfect for: a wide variety of readers-- it's the Twilight of Werewolf books!

18-year-old Calla is the alpha female of her clan of were-wolfs (aka Guardians) and as the alpha female is promised to the alpha male of her brother clan-- the handsome Ren.  The union between the two alpha's will create a new clan-- one with the important job of protecting land which the clan masters deem forbidden.  But when Calla goes against her nature and saves the human boy Shay, she finds herself on a path that makes her question the ideals she's gone along with her entire life.

I'm the first person to tell you that I don't like werewolf books.  There's evidence of it in previous blog entries to prove it.  However, I really *really* enjoyed 'Nightshade'.  Very similar to how 'Twilight' was a book for those who had never read vampire books before, 'Nightshade' is a book for those who haven't read werewolf books before.  You'll definitely want to give this read a try.

'Nightshade' is told from the point of view of Calla, alpha pack leader. She brings an interesting perspective to the novel as she is the 'creature' in the story, as opposed to the confused human.  She's headstrong and should please readers who like strong-willed female protagonist stories.  The male leads, Ren and Shay, are equally as engaging.  And the love triangle?  Well done.  I think the best love triangles are the ones where the reader has a tough time choosing sides and I must say I was 'Team Ren' one page, and 'Team Shay' the next.  Speaking of Shay, he has secrets-- secrets that cold propel this story into something even more compelling in future novels.  That being said, be warned-- this is the first in a planned trilogy.  The ending is very open ended and will leave you wanting more!

'Nightshades' story and voice drew me in instantly and it had a good mix of romance, action, and dialog.  On the topic of romance, the romance in 'Nightshade' reminded me a bit of a harlequin novel.  Keep in mind when reading it that the characters are 18.  Even though characters don't go all the way, they do interact romantically.  While I wouldn't classify this for older teens only, I wouldn't be giving it to a pre-teen or young teen.  (Of course, that is my prerogative.)

Author Andrea Cremer has a fantastic novel on her hands that is sure to find a following fast.  Read 'Nightshade'.  It's fantastic.

Review: Spells by Aprilynne Pike

Title: Spells
Author: Aprilynne Pike
Genre: YA, Supernatural, Romance
Perfect for: Those who read the original title, 'Wings'

'Spells', sequel to last years 'Wings', picks up shortly after the original book ended. Laurel is on her way to Avalon for a six week crash course in how to be what she discovered she was in 'Wings'-- a fairy. But trouble looms overhead as the troll Barnes is still very much after her and her family. How far will Barnes go to to finish what he started? Will Laurel be able to choose between fairy guardian Tam and human boyfriend David? And most importantly, how long can Laural live between worlds before she has to choose one?

Let me start out by saying that this book isn't perfect. The storyline in 'Spells' isn't clearly defined and the love triangle isn't executed very well. Laurel is either with Tam in the world of the Fae or in the human world with David-- never do they mix. This set up made it seem like Laurel was using both men, as opposed to just having conflicting feelings about each.

The storyline felt rushed in some parts and dragged in others. For example, I loved the idea of Laurel staying and learning at the Academy in Avalon, but we hardly saw any of her time there. Too much time, in my opinion, was spent in the human world, which pales in comparison to Avalon.

While this book wasn't as good as the original, I am still eagerly awaiting the final book in the trilogy. Despite the flaw's, I still think Laurel and Tam are interesting voices. (They better be together in the end, btw!) Also, Pike's ideas on the world of the fae are unique and I'd like to know more about their way of life. So, all in all, though 'Spells' isn't fantastic, don't give up on it. This series still has potential to be really good!

Wanna Win Swag from Michelle Zink?

Michelle Zink, author of 'Prophecy of the Sisters' and 'Guardian of the Gate', announced on her blog that she is holding a contest to win a pretty sweet 'Ipod Super Swag' pack.  Check it out on her blog!

Also mentioned in her entry is that she's choosing five blogs to ALSO hold Swag contests.  While I am not one of them, I'll keep you posted on where to find the lucky blogs!

As a sidenote, if you do decide to enter, make sure to mention you were referred by Brookes Box of Books by leaving the URL!